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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

_My Goals_

Being Success in everything is a dream for every person in his life, not least with me, I was having a lot of dreams in this life, and so obsessed to be able to reach all of those dreams. Before I tell you about what I want to accomplish in this life, I will first introduce a bit about myself. Anwar Sadat is the full name that I have, be proud of having this name, because this name is the name of a character in one of the most influential countries in the world, the name is an inspiration taken by my parents because of his admiration for the character. Well, is the name of an Egyptian president who many give life devotion to country that has the world's longest river, the admiration of my parents to figure this one has inspired them to give a big name Anwar Sadat to me, with the hope that their children can be an influential figure in the world someday. I grew up in a small village on the outskirts of the city of Tangerang, precisely in the village of Lieu, District Pakuhaji. Living with underprivileged become frightening own childhood that I always experienced. Determination to cause me to change things like that to be much better. Dream - my dream in life is to become a leader in the world's most influential, successful in every respect and benefit to many people. To reach all dreams - dreams that I, a lot of things I do to reach my dream that, one of them a formal education until college, forge themselves in organizations - organizations to build a strong mental attitude, as well as pursuing a career in the business world into my path to reach the point of success that has been planned. My life plan has been designed for this, both for the short and long term as a separate guideline to be used as a handle in stride. Close to my dream today is to be the best graduates in the university where I studied. the best graduate course would much preparation I had to do, ranging from the more jealous in studying science - science, both of which have been awarded faculty in the classroom and science - science outside the classroom, as well as extending the network to spread the experience and relationships is one The best way I now do to ease my pace grabbed all of my dreams, that's the only way I can enrich yourself with all the knowledge I Milki later. Once I told a little dream about the short-term plan of my dreams, much less felt if I did not share my long term plan is also to readers, Well if it was a short-term plan I want to be the best graduates, for my dream after graduation is to become an Executive young, reliable, capable of holding companies and can run several projects - large projects for the betterment of this nation, of course. And is my biggest dream if one day I will become the world's most influential figures and recorded my name in the history of the board became the first Indonesian to be able to fight World. Hopefully.! Benediction and Tawakal is the last of all my steps, because only his permission I was able to achieve all the goals that I dreamed of.

With Ridho Divine.
_Anwar Sadat_

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