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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Theory of Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy in Indonesia
Bureaucracy in Indonesia as it was originally introduced by European culture from colonial times such as the past cultuurstelsel , future decentralization and emancipation , future central government (centraal bestuur) , period Binnenlands Bestuur andambtskostuum Binnenlands bestuur , the occupation by Japanese troops and then period where after the proclamation of independence , August 17 ​​, 1945 rule Indonesia through Kasman Singodimedjo chairman KNIP on September 25 , 1945 announced that the president of Indonesia decided for the whole former government officials from all levels of hierarchy and established a government employee Indonesia
Bureaucracy in Western culture

Example diagram of public administration
Bureaucracy ( English : bureaucracy ~ reauc · bu · ra · cy ~ bjʊərɒkrəs) ( in French :bureaucratie ) is of bureau + cratie or system of government management structure or administration of the country or organization in accordance with the needs or desires of complex characterized by authority Hierarchical among many offices with fixed procedures
Theories in the bureaucracy
Max Weber , a German sociologist wrote a rationale that describes the bureaucratic form  as the ideal way to set governmental organizations through the principles of bureaucratic forms, among others, there must be a formal hierarchical structure at every level and under control and are controlled in a formal hierarchy above basis of central planning and decision-making, management with clear rules the control through rules that allow that decisions made ​​at the top level will be implemented consistently by all levels below it, the organization with which functionally specialized work to be carried out by those who actually an expert then organized into units based on the type of work that will be done based on expertise, has a mission to be the intended targets or while held in an effort to be objective in order to serve the interests of the organization that will be empowered included in the mission to serve the organization itself must through calculations on goal achievement, the impersonal treatment that treats all his executor and interests are treated equally the same and should not be influenced by individual differences, work based on technical qualifications for an executive protection in order to avoid the arbitrary dismissal while performing their duties. However, according to Cyril Northcote Parkinson a naval historian of England who wrote thatWeber is less realized that management and professional staff will tend to grow at a rate that does not follow the predicted by the line organization  while David Osborne and Ted Gaebler suggest that bureaucracy should be changed to bureaucracy more attention to community participation, the team work and co-workers control (peer group) and the boss is no longer the domination or control  .Here's a summary of the theories of bureaucracy 
The role of bureaucracy in the colonial period 
Colonial powers have an interest in the Indonesian archipelago how to control the entire region by considering the distance, the area between the mainland and a very big country so as not to complicate the exploration of resources, apart from the need for passive participation, active participation of bumiputera is needed, collaboration in this course with the active participation should not be sacrificing power and influence of colonialism.
Centrally controlled colonial government in Batavia (now Jakarta) administration as a whole and act on behalf of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (with the rank of minister-level colony) commonly known as the governor-general, assisted by the Dutch East Indies board (raad van Nederlands-Indië), general secretariat (Algemene Secretarie), general administration department (departementen van Algemeen bestuur) and local government (het Binnenlands bestuur} with European bureaucracy limited the scope of work for Europeans while for bumiputera always under the direct guidance of the local government Inlandsche Bestuur (pangreh civil ) which covers a large part of the territory formerly called the Dutch East Indies , self-rule as kings, princes with through a political agreement with the colonial government, but there are also areas in which the government directly controlled the colonial bureaucracy helped shape alongside the local government bureaucracy as seen the administrative rule on the island of Java and Madura circa 1829 was introduced along with the concept of European bureaucracy, especially in the export commodity plugs. policy cultuurstelsel gradually changed so the private sector began to appear among other agricultural and industrial workers with the arrival of European settlers in the area of plantation , commercial trade and industry along with the political culture of the time it began to take growing nationalist movement in Indonesia .
In 1905 the government began to take shape though with limited powers and remain under the leadership of European local authorities continue in 1916 also formed government big cities with its own government with a mayor is not a part of European local authorities, in1918 the council began there were people who shaped representative bodies of the various groups represented in this council. resumed in 1925 the area was divided into several new administrative level, the province on the island of Java and Madura and governments outside the region (the islands outside Java and Madura). In addition, on the main island of Java and Madura to the original more independent local government with the transfer function.
Early independence 
On May 30, 1948 through Government Regulation No. 11 of 1948, the government of Indonesia , located in Jogjakarta newly establishedOffice Employees (CTP) while the government RIS domiciled in Jakarta to staffing problems created by Decree of the Lieutenant Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies No. 10 dated February 20, in 1946 with the name of the Office of Public Affairs Employees(KUUP) under the department of social affairs, but the decision Lieutenant Governor-General in the Dutch East Indies No. 13 of 1948overturned the decision earlier and forming Djawatan Public Affairs Employees (DUUP) is directly under the Governor-General, theOffice of Employee Affairs (CTP) and Djawatan Public Affairs Employees (DUUP) each carry their own activities until there is a duality in the bureaucracy in Indonesia, then because of the recognition of the sovereignty of Indonesia on December 27, 1949 throughGovernment Regulation No. 32 of 1950 established the Office employees (CTP) to unify Office Employees (CTP) and Djawatan Public Affairs Employees (DUUP) and under and bertanggugjawab to the prime minister but because the political atmosphere of the time, the Office of Employee Affairs (CTP) which will organize the bureaucracy can not function duly followed on August 17 ​​1950 , a change ofconstitution RIS transformed into Provisional Constitution of 1950 which resulted in a change in the form of unitary state back to the state. Year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three 1953 TR Smith helped prepare a report for the State Bureau of designer titledPublic Administration Training , a year later two professors from Cornell University, School of Business and Public AdministrationAmerican who was invited to Indonesia , namely Edward H. Lichtfeld and Alan C. Rankin who managed to compile a recommendation report entitled Training for Administration in Indonesia . At the time of cabinet Sastroamidjojo II ( March 20, 1956 - April 9, 1957 ) through the Government Regulation No. 30 of 1957 established the State Committee to investigate Ministries Organization or theOrganization of the Ministry Committee (PANOK) as a replacement for Office Employees (CTP) and follow established Institutions State Administration (LAN) which is tasked improve state administration or bureaucracy both under and responsible to the prime minister .
At the date of July 5, 1959 , issued a presidential decree that states re-enactment of the 1945 Constitution and the President throughPresidential Decree No. 2 of 1959 forbade civil servants to be members of the class F political party then in 1961 the issuance of Law No. 18 Year 1961 on Basic Provisions of Civil Service and established State Personnel Administration Agency (BAKN) followed by a new agency called the Committee Retooling State Apparatus (PARAN) which produces Presidential Regulation No. 5 of 1962 on the organization of the main points of the highest levels of state government officials, two years later issued Presidential Decree No. 98 of 1964 established the Command Retooling highest Apparatus Revolution (KONTRAR) is a continuation of Retooling Administrative Committee (PARAN) , retooling or "cleansing" in the past two kepanitian over the removal of a political bureaucrat who was unpopular with the ruling party (the ruling party) or are considered not in line with the policy of republican government .
Bureaucracy in the development
In its development, the organization of the bureaucracy began tinged with uncertainty due to the role of political parties competing with the very dominant, political parties began building block power through strategic ministerial posts in the government as a resource continuity political party, the recruitment program bureaucracy involved experienced spoil system are rampant ranging from recruitment, placement, promotion and other employment instruments not based assessment criteria but based on political considerations, class and other elements outside the bureaucratic tasks.
In 1966 the beginning of the Suharto bedasarkan MPRS No. XIII/MPRS/1966 about Ampera Cabinet appointed as president and chairman of the presidium of the Ampera Cabinet through the Cabinet Presidium Decision No. 266 of 1967 Ampera back to form a committee organizing the bureaucracy as a maid presidium became known as Team Assistant Apparatus and President for Administration, or shortened to PAAP team consisting of eleven people with Manpower Minister was accompanied by the director as chairman LANsebagai as secretary and assisted by five expert advisors who propose a new unit called the Secretariat-General ,Directorate-General and the Inspectorate is reflected in the decision of the Cabinet Presidium No. 75/U/KEP/11/1966 part in the reorganization of the ministry of state bureaucracy through Presidential Decree No. 44 and 45 of 1966 was the conversion of the classification of civil servants from class A to F to Class I through IV.
Subsequently in 1968 re-established the Coordinating Committee for Administrative Efficiency and Economy State Government apparatus is also referred to as Project 13, followed by Presidential Decree No. 16 of 1968 which was later refined by Presidential Decree No. 199 of 1968 , Project 13 was later renamed Sector Improvement and Control State Administration , better known by the name of Sector P 'with members consisting of the Institute of Public Administration LAN ), State Personnel Administration Agency (BAKN ), National Development Planning Agency ( Bappenas ), the Secretariat of State, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour and Transmigration Ministry and Cooperatives. chaired by Awaloeddin Djamin who served as Minister of Labour in order to complete the task of administration.
When Suharto first set I Development Cabinet with Presidential Decree No. 19 of 1968 , the ministry established a new nomenclature ieMinistry of State for Administrative Improvement and Cleaning tasked, among others, continue cleaning the bureaucracy of the elements of the so-called political party and by Presidential Decree No. 82 1971 on November 29, 1971 established Indonesian Civil Servants Corps ( KORPRI ) as a single forum for the whole organization of government employees Indonesia and the subsequent development of PAAP Team and Project 13 eventually merged into the Ministry of State for Administrative Improvement and Cleanupwhile the Government Apparatus Sector (Sector P ) remain and function include policymaking, planning, programming, coordinating, controlling, and research in order to refine and clean up the state apparatus and the Ministry of State for Administrative Cleanup Completion and led by the minister in person concurrently a member of Sector N (Research and Development) and Q sector (Law and Order) and the Presidential Decree No. 45 / M Year 1983 Ministry of State for Administrative Cleanup Completion and converted back tothe Ministry of Administrative Reform which directly minister in the ministry also doubles as the Vice Chairman of National Development Planning Agency .
1995 through Presidential Decree No. 68 of 1995 dated 27 September 1995 the government announced five working days starting the applied working days from Monday to Friday which became effective from October 1, 1995 as a result of the civil servant's career guidance system, zero growth in employee civil servants ( PNS ) (Zero Growth) seta streamlined organization.
After 1998, known as the reform movement then through Government Regulation No. 5 of 1999 regarding the existence of civil servants ( PNS ) as a member of a political party and then converted through Government Regulation No. 12 of 1999 which makes civil servants (PNS ) re-covered from the possibility to follow acting as membership in any political party.

This diagram shows an example of ministerial positions in the structure of public administration
The main article for this section is: Indonesian Ministry
Since independence 63 years ago and after a long process, finally Indonesia has a new ministry organizational arrangements as stipulated in the laws of the state ministries.
The main article for this section is: Corruption in Indonesia , KPK , and theCorruption Perception Index
Rationalization of business organizations central government has actually been started since the Cabinet Wilopo ( April 3, 1952 - August 1 , 1953 ) aged only about fifteen months later passed by the cabinet Sastroamidjojo I ( August 1 , 1953 - August 12 , 1955 ) suffer the same fate two years old who have programs such as government officials prepare an efficient and rational distribution of power to seek redress employee living standards and eradicate corruption in the bureaucracy with the establishment of the State Committee to investigate Ministries Organization (PANOK) who worked between 1952to 1954 .
In 2009, when referring to the report of the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) based in Hong Kong , Indonesia still shows poor numbers, especially in terms of bureaucratic obstacles or red tape barriers 
Public administration
The main article for this section are: Public Service Law and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia
Face of an organization of state bureaucracy Indonesia will be reflected in the results of the products form the standard of service to the public or the community in order to rationalize the bureaucracy will be able to realize the existence of clear boundaries and relationships of rights, responsibilities, duties, and authority of all parties associated with the public service, public service delivery systems are appropriate and in accordance with the general principles of good corporate governance and the fulfillment of the public service in accordance with the arrangements in the legislation and protection and legal certainty for the public in obtaining public service berasaskan on public interest and the rule of law in addition to the balance of equality of rights and obligations include professionalism, participation, equality of treatment / non-discrimination, transparency, accountability, provision of facilities and special treatment for vulnerable groups, punctuality, speed, ease and affordability.
As a guarantor of the smooth implementation of public service and is responsible for the leadership of state institutions, the leadership of ministries, government agencies nonkementerian leaders, leaders of institutions commissions or similar state, other institutional leaders, governors at the provincial level with the obligation to report the results of the development of the performance of public services to the President and Board Representatives while the regents at the district level, the mayor at the city level reported the results of the development of public service performance of each to the parliament and the ministerial or provincial legislature districts / cities and governors
Public Accountability
The main article for this section are: Accountability (public administration) , Corruption , Love Indonesia Love KPK , andConfrontation Lizard and Crocodile
The pendulum of power in Indonesia is always rolling from time-to-time, moving between the executive and parliament and the role of the armed forces who also adds the power of the actors almost unchanged which rotates between the political parties of the political party to another, at a certain time the locus of power will be shifted to the executive government in which political parties will be stronger and show supremacy katimbang other state institutions thus the use of power will be focused and geared in one place, another time period, the power is in the legislature, other political parties which are in the legislature will play a central role in focusing the use of power to make the government's stability can not be achieved, while the professionalism of both the party and the executive legsilatif also not been able to materialize, the political attraction of the locus and focus of the exercise of power will always be alternated both parties.
While public interest has never felt the power of representation in these cycles, representation through political parties are supposed to represent the public interest as the only known him at the time-sat when elections will be held and beyond mere public interest will be forgotten again with particular ego and power elite mere political party leaders .
Progress in public administration will tend to be instruments of power from the elite to make public kept in back in the position of objects and while the interests of public accountability have very low levels and are likely to say almost nothing at all will eventually be an irony in the a state of democracy without having accountability , which is supposed to be a democracy can deliver public administration better as public administration in several countries that have followed the democratic system is supposed to be a great power that can be used to hold accountable public and should be immediately implemented by the government and the public can also for example by demanding tax money paid to the government in order to always be used in a clear and useful to the public through public pressure, among others, fiscal to public administration will be stronger, the public should be aware of any use of the flow and utilization of public fiscal thus no longer be able to tolerate all kinds of waste , inkomptensi and carelessness that may be carried by personnel or public administration which means there is harm to the public.
Effectiveness of various methods of enforcing public accountability are factors that determine, among others, with a degree of transparency that can be measured acceptance of the role of mass media in providing information to the public include the budget, public accounting, and audit reports. Beragai Without access to such information, the public will not be fully aware of what has been done and never done for the public interest and understanding of education civil rights granted to the citizens in order to know their rights and obligations as well as its readiness to run.
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