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Kamis, 04 April 2013

Make Simple Present

1.      In financial accounting, assets are economic resources.
a.       (-) In financial accounting, asset is not economic resources.
b.      (?) What in financial accounting, asset isn’t economic resources.
c.       (?) is asset are economic resources in financial accounting?
2.      Assets are economic resources of a business.
a.       (-) Asset isn’t economic resources of a business
b.      (?) is asset not economic resources of a business?
3.      Prepaid items are expenses businesses pay for in advance
a.       (-) Prepaid item is not a expenses business pay for in advance
b.      (?) What are prepaid item is not expenses business pay for in advance?
4.      Inventory is the product a company buys or produces and sell to end consumers (you and I).
a.       (-) Inventory isn’t the product company buy or product and sell to end consumers
b.      (?) What Infentory isn’t the product company buy or product and sell to end consumers
5.      Major renovations are made to the existing building
a.       (-) Major renovation not are make to the existing building
b.      (?) What Major renovation not make to the existing building?
6.      The Toy Company's sells the existing building
a.       (-) The Toy Company isn’t sell the existing building
b.      (?) What The Toy Company isn’t the existing building?

7.      Current liabilities are the debts a company owes which must be paid within one year.
a.       (-) Current Liability not are debt a company owes which must be paid within one year.
b.      (?) What Current Liability isn’t debt a company owes which must be paid within one year?
8.      Accounts payable is the opposite of accounts receivable.
a.       (-) Accounts payable isn’t the opposite of account receivable
b.      (?) What Accounts payable isn’t the opposite of account receivable?
9.      They are the most important item under current liabilities section
a.       (-) They are not the most important item under current liability section
b.      (?) What they are not the most importan item under current liability section?
10.  Borrowing money in itself is not necessarily a sign of financial weakness
a.       (+) Borowing money in it self is necessarilies a sign of financial weakness
b.      (?)  What borrowing money in it self necessarilies a sign of financial weaknes?
11.  She can stock up on merchandise before the Holiday rush
a.       (-) She is can’t stock up on merchandise before the Holiday rush
b.      (?) What She can’t stock up on merchandise before the Holiday rush?
12.  Current Liabilities are liabilities that are due in a short period of time
a.       (-) Current Liabilities isn’t liability that are due in a short period of time
b.      (?) What Current Liabilities isn’t liability that are due in a short period of time?
13.  Current liabilities are items a company owes that must be paid within one year
a.       (-) Current liability isn’t item a company owes that must be paid within one year
b.      (?) is Current liabilities item a company owes that must be paid within one year?
14.  The business is a sole-proprietorship, partnership or corporation
a.       (-) The business isn’t a sole-proprietorship, partnership or corporation
b.      (?) is the business a sole-proprietorship, partnership or corporation?
15.  Tax credits are available to the business
a.       (-) Tax credits isn’t available to the business
b.      (?) is tax credits available to the business?
16.  Current liabilities are debts that must be paid in one year or less
a.       (-) Current liabilities isn’t debt that must be paid in one year or less
b.      (?) Is current liabilities debts that must be paid in one year or less?
17.  While long term liabilities are debts that must be paid sometime beyond one year
a.       (-) While long term liabilities isn’t debts that must be paid sometime beyond one year
b.      (?) is long term liabilities debts that must be paid sometime beyond one year?

1 komentar:

  1. Make simple Present and change to Positive, Negative, and Interrogative Statement from articel..
