Persuasion is underneath the umbrella term of Influence. In
other words, persuasion is influence, but it requires communication, whereas
influence doesn't necessarily. Persuasion can attempt to influence the beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations,
or behaviors.[1] Persuasion
is a process aimed at changing a person's (or a group's) attitude or behavior
toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken
words to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination thereof.[2] Persuasion
is also an often used tool in the pursuit of personal gain, such as election
campaigning, giving a sales pitch.[3] or
in Trial Advocacy. Persuasion can also be
interpreted as using one's personal or positional resources to change people's
behaviors or attitudes. Systematic persuasion is
the process through which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to logic
and reason. Heuristic persuasion on
the other hand is the process through which attitudes or beliefs are changed
because of appeals to habit or emotion.[4]
Brief History
Persuasion began with the Greeks, who emphasized rhetoric
and elocution has the highest standard for a successful politician. All trials
were held in front of the Assembly, and both the prosecution and the defense
rested, as they often do today, on the persuasiveness of the speaker.[5].
Rhetoric was the ability to find the available means of persuasion in any
instance. The Greek philosopher Aristotle listed
four reasons why one should learn the art of persuasion: 1) truth and justice
are perfect; thus if a case loses, it is the fault of the speaker; 2) it is an
excellent tool for teaching; 3) a good rhetorician needs to know how to argue
both sides to understand the whole problem and all the options; and 4) there is
no better way to defend one’s self.
In the fifteenth century, Niccolo Machiavelli wrote ''The Prince'', which
explored how a ruler must be concerned not only with reputation, but might also
need to be willing to act immorally at the right times. As a political
scientist, Machiavelli emphasized that occasional need for the methodical
exercise of brute force or deceit. His moral and ethical beliefs led to the
formation of Machiavellianism, which is characterized “the
employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct,”[5] a
very different form of persuasion.
Theories of
Functional theorists attempt to understand the divergent
attitudes individuals have towards people, objects or issues in different
situations.[6] There
are four main functional attitudes:
Adjustment function: A main motivation for individuals is
to increase positive external rewards and minimize the costs. Attitudes serve
to direct behavior directed towards the rewards and away from punishment.
Ego Defensive function: The process by which an
individual protects their ego from being threatened by their own negative
impulses or threatening thoughts.
Value-expressive: When an individual derives pleasure
from presenting an image of themselves which is in line with their self-concept
and the beliefs that they want to be associated with.
Knowledge function: The need to attain a sense of
understanding and control over one’s life. An individual’s attitudes therefor
serve to help set standards and rules which govern their sense of being.[6]
When communication is targeted at an underlying function
its degree of persuasiveness will influence whether the individual will change
their attitude, after determining that another attitude will be more effective
in fulfilling that function.[7]
Likelihood Model (ELM) of Persuasion
Persuasion has traditionally been associated with two
Central route: Whereby an individual evaluates
information presented to them based on the pros and cons of it and how well it
supports their values
Peripheral route: Change is mediated by how attractive
the source of communication is bypassing the deliberation process.[8]
The ELM forms a new facet of the route theory. It holds
that the probability of effective persuasion depends on how successful the
communication is at bringing to mind a relevant mental representation, which is
the elaboration likelihood. Thus if the target of the communication is
personally relevant, this increases the elaboration likelihood of the intended
outcome and would be more persuasive if it were through the central route.
Communication which does not require careful thought would be better suited to
the peripheral route.[9]
Conditioning plays a huge part in the
concept of persuasion. It is more often about leading someone into taking
certain actions of their own, rather than giving direct commands. In
advertisements for example, this is done by attempting to connect a positive
emotion to a brand/product logo. This is often done by creating commercials
that make people laugh, using a sexual undertone, inserting uplifting images
and/or music etc. and then ending the commercial with a brand/product logo.
Great examples of this are professional athletes. They are paid to connect
themselves to things that can be directly related to their roles; sport shoes,
tennis rackets, golf balls, or completely irrelevant things like soft drinks,
popcorn poppers and panty hose. The important thing for the advertiser is to
establish a connection to the consumer.[10]
The thought is that it will affect how people view
certain products, knowing that most purchases are made on the basis of emotion.
Just like you sometimes recall a memory from a certain smell or sound, the
objective of some ads is solely to bring back certain emotions when you see
their logo in your local store. The hope is that by repeating the message
several times it will cause the consumer to be more likely to purchase the
product because he/she already connects it with a good emotion and a positive experience.
Stefano DellaVigna and Matthew Gentzkow did a comprehensive study on the
effects of persuasion in different domains. They discovered that persuasion has
little or no effect on advertisement; however, there was a substantial effect
of persuasion on voting if there was face-to-face contact.[11]
Persuasion methods are also sometimes referred to as persuasion
tactics or persuasion strategies.
Weapons of
Robert Cialdini, in Influence,
his book on persuasion, defined six "influence cues or weapons of
influence":[12] Influence
is the process of changing.
The principle of reciprocity states that when a person
provides us with something, we attempt to repay him or her in kind.
Reciprocation produces a sense of obligation, which can be a powerful tool in
persuasion. The reciprocity rule is effective because it can be overpowering
and instill in us a sense of obligation. Generally, we have a dislike for
individuals who neglect to return a favor or provide payment when offered a
free service or gift. As a result, reciprocation is a widely held principle.
This societal standard makes reciprocity extremely powerful persuasive
technique, as it can result in unequal exchanges and can even applies to an
uninvited first favor.
Commitment and Consistency
Consistency is an important aspect of persuasion because
it 1)is highly valued by society, 2)results in a beneficial approach to daily
life, and 3)provides a valuable shortcut through the complicated nature of
modern existence. Consistency allows us to more effectively make decisions and
process information. The concept of commitment states that if a person commits,
either orally or in writing, he or she is more likely to honor that particular
commitment. This is especially true for written commitments, as they appear
psychologically more concrete and can be back up with hard proof. Once a person
commits to a stance, he or she has a tendency to behave according to that
commitment. Commitment is an effective persuasive technique because once you
get someone to make a commitment, they are more likely to engage in
self-persuasion, providing themselves and others with reasons and
justifications to support his or her commitment in order to avoid dissonance.
Social Proof
We are influenced by others around us; we want to be
doing what everyone else is doing. People often base their actions and beliefs
on what others around them are doing, how others act or what others believe.
“The power of the crowd” is very effective. We all want to know what others are
doing around us. We are so obsessed with what others do and how others act,
that we then try to be just like other people. Cialdini gives an example that
is somewhat like this: in a phone–a–thon, the host will say something along the
line of, “Operators are waiting, please call now.” The only context that you
have from that statement is that the operators are waiting and they are not
busy. Rather the host may say: “If operators are busy, please call again.” This
is proving the technique of social proof. Just by changing three words, it
sounds like the lines are busy and other people are calling; so it must be a
good, legitimate organization.
Social proof is most effective when people are uncertain
or when there are similarities in a situation. In uncertain or ambiguous
situations, when there are multiple possibilities or choices that need to be
made, people are likely to conform to what others do/are doing. We become more
influenced by the people around us, in situations that cause us to make a
decision. The other effective situation for social proofing is when there are
similarities. We are more prone to change/conform around people who are similar
to us. If someone who is similar to you is being controlling and a leader, you
are more likely to listen and follow what it is they are saying.
This principle is simple and concise. People say “yes” to
people that they like. Two major factors contribute to overall liking. The
first is physical attractiveness. People who are more physically attractive
seem to be more persuasive; they get what they want and they can easily change
others' attitudes. This attractiveness is proven to send favorable
messages/impressions of other traits that a person may have, such as talent,
kindness, and intelligence. The second factor is similarity. This is the
simpler aspect of "liking." The idea of similarity states if people
like you, they are more likely to say “yes” to what you ask them. When we do
this, we usually don’t think about it, it just comes naturally.
We have the tendency to believe that if an expert says
something, then it must be true. People like to listen to those who are
knowledgeable and trustworthy, so if you can be those two things, then you are
already on your way to getting people to believe and listen to you. In order to
get someone to listen to you, especially in a business setting, you need to
present the weak argument first. If you do, then the stronger argument that
follows will stand out, as people will quickly forget the weaker part as they
are hearing your stronger arguments. Credibility makes strong points shine.
The Milgram study, done in 1974, consisted of a teacher
and a learner who are both in different rooms. The teacher was told to ask
questions to the learner and if the learner got it wrong, the teacher was to
give him an electric shock. The catch to this experiment is that the teacher
does not know is that the learner does not actually get a shock; the experiment
was being done to see “When it is their job, how much suffering will ordinary
people be willing to inflict on an entirely innocent other person” (Cialdini
176). In this study the results show that most teachers were willing to give as
much pain that was available to them. People are willing to bring pain upon
others when they are directed to do so by some other authority figure.
Scarcity is a principle that people underestimate. When
something has limited availability, people assign it more value. According to
Cialdini, “people want more of what they cannot have.” When scarcity is an
issue, the context matters. This means that within certain contexts, scarcity
“works” better. To get people to believe that something is scarcer, you need to
explain what about that certain product will give them what no other product
will. You have to work the audience in the correct way. Something else that you
can do to get people believe that something is scarce is to tell them what they
will lose, not what they will gain. Saying things like “you will lose $5”,
rather than saying “you could save $5”. You are making something sound more
There are two major reasons why the scarcity principle
keeps: 1)when things are difficult to get, they are usually more valuable so
that can make it a better cue for the quality; and 2) when things become less
available, we lose the chances to acquire those things. When this happens, we
assign the scarce item or service more value simply because it is harder to
The whole of this principle is that we all want things
that are out of our reach. If we see something that is popular we do not want
it as much as something that is very rare.
Machiavellianism employs the tools of
manipulation and deceit to gain wealth and power. Robert Greene wrote The 48 Laws of Power, a distillation
of 3,000 years of the history of power, drawing on the lives of strategists and
historical figures using the philosophies of Machiavelli to show people how to
gain power, preserve it, and defend themselves against power manipulators.[5]
In the preface of his book, Greene explains the dilemma
of courtier, embodied in most of rules in his book: “While appearing the very
paragon of elegance, they had to outwit and thwart their opponents in the
subtlest of ways. The successful courtier learned over time to make all of his
moves indirect; if he stabbed an opponent in the back, it was with a velvet
glove and the sweetest of smiles on his faces. Instead of coercion or outright
treachery (expect into the most rare of occasions), the perfect courtier got
his way through seduction, charm, deception, and subtle strategy, always
planning several moves ahead. Life in the court was a never-ending game that
required constant vigilance and tactical thinking. It was civilized war.”[5]
Some of the 48 Laws include:
1: Never Outshine the Master - Draws on
the issues of Authority and Need for Ego Gratification
5: So Much Depends on Reputation -
Emphasizes the power and necessity for Credibility and Likeability
16: Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor -
Draws upon the influential power of Authority and Scarcity
37: Create Compelling Spectacles -
Emphasizes the power of Vividness
40: Despise the Free Lunch - Recognizes
on the danger of Reciprocity
based persuasion
In their book The Art of Woo, G. Richard
Shell and Mario Moussa present a four-step approach to strategic persuasion.[13] They
explain that persuasion means to win others over, not to defeat them. Thus it
is important to be able to see the topic from different angles in order to
anticipate the reaction others have to a proposal.
Step 1: Survey your situation
This step includes an analysis of the persuader's situation, goals, and challenges that the persuader faces in his or her organization.
This step includes an analysis of the persuader's situation, goals, and challenges that the persuader faces in his or her organization.
Step 2: Confront the five barriers
Five obstacles pose the greatest risks to a successful influence encounter: relationships, credibility, communication mismatches, belief systems, and interest and needs.
Five obstacles pose the greatest risks to a successful influence encounter: relationships, credibility, communication mismatches, belief systems, and interest and needs.
Step 3: Make your pitch
People need a solid reason to justify a decision, yet at the same time many decisions are made on the basis of intuition. This step also deals with presentation skills.
People need a solid reason to justify a decision, yet at the same time many decisions are made on the basis of intuition. This step also deals with presentation skills.
Step 4: Secure your commitments
In order to safeguard the longtime success of a persuasive decision, it is vital to deal with politics at both the individual and organizational level.
In order to safeguard the longtime success of a persuasive decision, it is vital to deal with politics at both the individual and organizational level.
Persuasion in
It is through a basic cultural personal definition of
persuasion that everyday people understand how others are attempting to
influence them and then how they influence others. The dialogue surrounding
persuasion is constantly evolving because of the necessity to use persuasion in
everyday life. Persuasion tactics traded in society have influences from
researchers, which may sometimes be misinterpreted. It is evolutionary
advantageous, in the sense of wealth and survival, to persuade and not be
persuaded. In order to understand persuasion, members of a culture will gather
knowledge from domains such as “buying, selling, advertising, and shopping, as
well as parenting and courting.”[14]
The Persuasion
Knowledge Model (PKM)
The Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM)was created by
Friestad and Wright in 1994. This framework allows the researchers to analyze
the process of gaining and using everyday persuasion knowledge. The researchers
suggest the necessity of including “the relationship and interplay between
everyday folk knowledge and scientific knowledge on persuasion, advertising,
selling, and marketing in general.”[14]
In order to educate the general population about research
findings and new knowledge about persuasion, teacher must draw on their
pre-existing beliefs from folk persuasion in order to make the research
relevant and informative to lay people, which creates “mingling of their
scientific insights and commonsense beliefs.”[14]
As a result of this constant mingling, the issue of
persuasion expertise becomes messy. Expertise status can be interpreted from a
variety of sources like job titles, celebrity, or published scholarship.
It is through this multimodal process that we create
concepts like ‘stay away from car salesman, they will try to trick you.” The
kind of persuasion techniques blatantly employed by car salesman creates an
innate distrust of them in popular culture. According to Psychology Today, they
employ tactics ranging from making personal life ties with the customer to
altering reality by handing the customer the new car keys before the purchase.[15]
Neurobiology of
Attitudes and persuasion are among the central issues of
social behavior. One of the classic questions is when are attitudes a predictor
of behavior. Previous research suggested that selective activation of left
prefrontal cortex might increase the likelihood that an attitude would predict
a relevant behavior. Using lateral attentional manipulation, this was
An earlier article showed that EEG measures of anterior
prefrontal asymmetry might be a predictor of persuasion. Research participants
were presented with arguments that favored and arguments that opposed the
attitudes they already held. Those whose brain was more active in left
prefrontal areas said that they paid the most attention to statements with
which they agreed while those with a more active right prefrontal area said
that they paid attention to statements that disagreed.[17] This
is an example of defensive repression, the avoidance or forgetting of
unpleasant information. Research has shown that the trait of defensive
repression is related to relative left prefrontal activation.[18] In
addition, when pleasant or unpleasant words, probably analogous to agreement or
disagreement, were seen incidental to the main task, an fMRI scan showed
preferential left prefrontal activation to the pleasant words.[19]
One way therefore to increase persuasion would seem to be
to selectively activate the right prefrontal cortex. This is easily done by
monaural stimulation to the contralateral ear. The effect apparently depends on
selective attention rather than merely the source of stimulation. This
manipulation had the expected outcome: more persuasion for messages coming from
the left.[20]
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