What Is Persuasion?
When you think about persuasion, what comes to mind? Some people
might think of advertising messages that urge viewers to buy a particular
product, while others might think of a political candidate trying to sway
voters to choose his or her name on the ballot box. Persuasion is a powerful
force in daily life and has a major influence on society and a whole. Politics,
legal decisions, mass media, news and advertising are all influenced by the
power of persuasion, and influence us in turn.
Sometimes we like to believe that we are immune to persuasion.
That we have a natural ability to see through the sales pitch, comprehend the
truth in a situation and come to conclusions all on our own. This might be true
in some scenarios, but persuasion isn’t just a pushy salesman trying to sell
you a car, or a television commercial enticing you to buy the latest and
greatest product. Persuasion can be subtle, and how we respond to such
influences can depend on a variety of factors.
When we think of persuasion, negative examples are often the
first to come to mind, but persuasion can also be used as a positive force.
Public service campaigns that urge people to recycle or quit smoking are great
examples of persuasion used to improve people’s lives.
What Is Persuasion?
So what exactly is persuasion? According to Perloff (2003),
persuasion can be defined as "...a symbolic process in which communicators
try to convince other people to change their attitudes or behaviors regarding
an issue through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free
The key elements of this definition of persuasion are that:
Persuasion is
symbolic, utilizing words, images, sounds, etc
It involves a
deliberate attempt to influence others.
Self-persuasion is
key. People are not coerced; they are instead free to choose.
Methods of
transmitting persuasive messages can occur in a variety of ways, including
verbally and nonverbally via television, radio, Internet or face-to-face
How Does Persuasion Differ Today?
While the art and science of persuasion has been of interest
since the time of the Ancient Greeks, there are significant differences between
how persuasion occurs today and how it has occurred in the past.
In his book The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication
and Attitudes in the 21st Century, Richard M. Perloff outlines the five
major ways in which modern persuasion differs from the past:
1. The number of persuasive message has grown
tremendously. Think for a
moment about how many advertisements you encounter on a daily basis. According
to various sources, the number of advertisements the average U.S. adult is
exposed to each day ranges from around 300 to over 3,000.
2. Persuasive communication travels far more
rapidly. Television,
radio and the Internet all help spread persuasive messages very quickly.
3. Persuasion is big business. In addition to the companies that are in
business purely for persuasive purposes (such as advertising agencies,
marketing firms, public relations companies), many other business are reliant
on persuasion to sell goods and services.
4. Contemporary persuasion is much more subtle. Of course, there are plenty of ads that
use very obvious persuasive strategies, but many messages are far more subtle.
For example, businesses sometimes carefully craft very specific image designed
to urge viewers to buy products or services in order to attain that projected
5. Persuasion is more complex. Consumers are more diverse and have more
choices, so marketers have to be savvier when it comes to selecting their
persuasive medium and message.
Source: www.google.com
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